Well, I was unsure if I'd get the comments working in time for the challenge. Yes. I found the problem. In checking over the options on the sidebar of the edit page, I found...Reader comments and clicked the allow button. Yes. Hmm.
On the A to Z Challenge, I did post some other tips and such, mostly because there are a fair number of blogs and I'd really like to follow all of them. The problem for me is that I have to pick and choose, else some get lost in the shuffle of those who post fairly frequently.
I decided on an action verbs list for each letter within the confines of dialogue only. The dialog is part of a plot I've developed for a short story, or rather a novella. Some of the words presented a "challenge" and I was tempted to change the word. I persevered and have 24 posts ready for final edit before posting. I don't think I've ever put that much thought into what I post.
If you have any comments, feel free to speak your mind. As always, I don't require that you comment, or even follow me. I go by the page view count and that's good enough for me, knowing someone reads what I write. Looking forward to meeting some new bloggers and will be checking out "my regulars" as well.
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Comments are greatly appreciated. Just remember-children may be reading these.
I turned off the captcha but not moderation. Sorry. This is a way for me to make sure I do not miss a comment as I am notified.